Strange Phenomena Investigations (SPI)

SPI News from England.

By: Malcolm Robinson.
Date: October/\november 1999.


Firstly let me apologise for the lateness of this SPI Bulletin, this has been due to an increased work load on the domestic and work front, I keep saying it, there just ain’t enough hours in the day for me just now.



I was kindly invited by Dave Gillham, Chairman of the Cornwall UFO Research Society to give a lecture to their members and also members of the public. The date for this one day event, was Saturday the 16th of October. Also on the venue, was Peter Paget, author of that interesting book, The Welsh UFO Triangle. The other speaker was that well known face in British UFOlogy, Graham Birdsall (Editor of UFO Magazine). Both Graham and Peter gave excellent presentations and Graham showed interesting segments of UFO video footage from some of the NASA space missions. Some of the other video footage that Graham showed, came from Stirling in Scotland, (9 miles from where I used to live). It was taken by a chap of whom I visited before I came down to England. I remember him showing me his early UFO footage, footage I must state for the record, I wasn’t that impressed with. I came away from that meeting disappointed that I hadn’t seen anything which could really be classed as ‘Unidentified’. Sure there were strange flitting small white objects in the sky, but my impression then, were that these white dots could well have been insects flying in the warm summer air at a good distance away from the camera. Well it looks like this Stirling chap has proved me wrong, for the footage that Graham Birdsall showed, was indeed ‘impressive’. In one sequence we see a small circular object that appears to emit, a smaller secondary object from it’s underside. His other footage is reminiscent of that taken by Chris Martin here in London. Chris too has taken video footage of strange white objects in the sky, similar it must be said to that taken over Mexico City during the past several years. During my own lecture, I presented for the very first time anywhere, some new revelations about the Livingston UFO case, that of Bob Taylor (the witness) dreaming that he was inside a UFO and describes what he saw. I also spoke about a fairly new (and sadly ongoing) Scottish UFO abduction case which concerns a young female. I also spoke about psychometry being used on Bob Taylor’s trousers and the outcome of those tests, and mentioned an unusual case of an Alloa man who claimed he had an out of body experience and found himself in a UFO !!!


The Conference was a huge success and was well attended and the facilities at the Truro College were some of the best that I’ve ever lectured in. Organiser Dave Gillham has only been involved in UFOlogy for around 3 years, but in that time has built up a fine group, and this Conference was his third. Previous speakers were Nick Pope, and Nick Redfern to name but a few. The Conference was finished in the usual style where Graham Birdsall, Peter Paget and myself, sat in a row to take questions from the audience. After question time, it was off to the local pub for a few drinks and to talk shop. This is the first time that I’ve been to this part of the U.K. hopefully it won’t be my last.



Every time I give a lecture, I always get approached from members of the public who come up to me and relate their own strange experiences, the Truro Conference was no different, I spoke to many people there, each of whom had a strange tale to tell, no more so however, than a lady and her husband who showed me a large colour photograph of what they claim to be is the Loch Ness Monster !! Upon looking at the photograph, which incidentally ‘appears’ to show, a large bulbulous body and long tapering neck which ‘appears’ to dip into the water, I easily saw that this was not Loch Ness !! I know Loch Ness off by heart having visited it many many times throughout my life. The couple informed me that it was taken by a family member a few years ago on a day trip through the Great Glen, which encompassed going through the Lochs that make up the great glen fault. My first impressions at having looked at the photograph, was that it ‘appeared’ to show what I believe to be a strange rolling wave, which may have been created by two boats passing in different directions to oneanother whereby creating a rolling wave which would look strange from a distance. No one recalls seeing any boats on the loch, nor did they claim to have seen anything strange at the time, it was only when they got the film developed that this strange ‘effect’ could be seen.


It’s early days at the moment, so far I’ve only had one person take a professional look at it, Brian James who is a member of BUFORA. Brian had a good look at the photograph with his computor and this, in part, is what he had to say.


"The trouble with using bitmaps and jpegs is that they’ll need to be cut to CD to make them easily transportable. The two images (that he sent me), have been ‘sharpened’ a little to try and get round the pixalation. From what I’ve looked at so far, there doesn’t seem to be anything ‘solid’ where the ‘creature’ is perceived to be, but there are areas of light/shadow that are rather suggestive. I must have been looking at the screen for too long, as with 2x screen magnification and above, a left ‘eye’ is visible where the ‘head’ appears to be ! Just shows the pitfalls of digital images as we discussed yesterday" !!!


Brian goes on to say:


"The darker section of the surface looks to be a reflection of the shaded section of the opposite hill. The two main ‘waves’ don’t seem to have much height, although I am struggling to get the feel of the scale I’m trying to use what appear to be cars over on the far bank as a rough guide. The dark section of the ‘creature’ isn’t being channeled in the same way as the two main waves, and the three taken together don’t seem to be an obvious eddy caused by something below the surface, but without knowledge of the loch and it’s currents, then I can’t really make an objective comment, hydrology isn’t exactly my subject".


As I say, it’s early days yet, and I aim to run this photograph by a few more photographic experts. I hope to have a clearer picture of what this photograph really shows in a few weeks time, so stay tuned.


Staying with Loch Ness. Why not pay a visit to the Loch Ness 2000 Exhibition. It’s located in the village of Drumnadrochit on the shores of Loch Ness and features computer controlled 3D sound and imagery, light lasers, digital projection systems and special effects. From the flyer detailing the Exhibition I take the following.


  1. Foyer: The scene is set for the 20th century’s most enduring mystery.
  2. Geological Forces: Introduces 6000,000 millennia of Scotland’s history.
  3. Folklore: Ever since the prows of Viking longships.
  4. Sixties Expeditions: The war of attrition, fakes hoaxes & illusions.
  5. The Abyss: Deep dark cold and YOU are at the bottom of it.
  6. Sonar: 20 meter waves, 24 hour patrols and Operation Deepscan.
  7. Environment: The story of 10.000 summers from glaciers to Chernobyl.
  8. Music: Enigmas by Martin Bullard of Smokie.


All this and more can be found at the Loch Ness 2000 Exhibition for the Millennium, Drumnadrochit, Inverness-shire, Scotland, IV63 6TU. Tel (0) 1456 450 573. Fax: (0) 1456 450 770. Website:

The Loch Ness Centre is only 12 miles from Fort Augutus, and 18 miles from Fort William. Free Parking & Groups Welcome.



UFOlogist Steve Gerrard from the Southampton UFO Society, kindly invited me to speak at his recent one day UFO Conference. Also on the agenda was Graham Birdsall (he certainly gets around !) and Russell Callaghan. Russell gave an excellent lecture on some NASA footage which showed many strange objects in space, this was absolutely excellent stuff and was the source of much comment over the day. Graham Birdsall gave his usual good presentation of facts and ended his lecture on a somber note stating that recent contingent plans had been put in place in London where a large indoor hockey pitch (I think it was hockey !) was to be set aside for all the bodies that would fall out of the sky on midnight December 31st when aircraft would lose their functions due to the change over to the year 2000. !!! Now whether this will happen is anybody’s guess, obviously I hope not. But I did read somewhere in a newspaper that a secret leaked document to the press stated just this fact, that large warehouses and other buildings, were to be set aside in London just for this eventuality. Scary stuff. Steve Gerrard held this year’s conference in a fantastic auditorium which had all the mod cons (a speaker’s heaven). It took me a little bit of getting used to the space age podium but I got there in the end. All in all, Steve’s Conference was a huge success and I shouldn’t forget the fact that Lionel Beer from BUFORA completed the day with a talk on the infamous Scoriton case. To join Steve Gerrard’s Southampton UFO Society, contact him at 25 Weston Grove Road, Woolston, Southampton, Hants, England, SO19 9EE. Tel: 01703 448 194.









Being involved with UFOlogy can take many forms, you can either have a passive interest, or you can have a more vested interest in matters pertaining to ‘what’s going on’. Most people who take an interest in UFOlogy want to get to the bottom of it and may join any one of the many British UFO groups that are currently active at the moment. Some people are interested in joining a group to become an Investigator, or basically just want to join to be kept informed by reading any of the literature and magazines that that group may publish. There is no denying that UFOlogy in the UK was helped along by numerous T.V. shows that featured our subject over the past few years, shows like the X Files, Strange But True ? and Sightings, to name but a few. There is however another aspect of UFOlogy which equally holds a place within the ranks, and that is participating in skywatches. This as we know, comprises of members of the various societies, all grouping together on some bleak hillside or designated area staring skywards in vain hopes of seeing something which doesn’t conform to normal conventional air traffic. Seasoned UFOlogists have been there, and it can at the very least, prove beneficial to those hardy souls who take great reverence of ‘being there’. It gives them something to do, they feel part of not only being with other like minded individuals, but it gives them a sense of purpose, (dare I say it, belonging !) It can of course be productively ‘boring’ and I myself have spent many a night watching the bleak Scottish skies with fellow Scottish UFOlogists in expectant hopes that something might happen, all too often it usually doesn’t. But it’s the thrill of the possibility that because you are situated in a ‘UFO Hot-Spot’ or ‘Window Area’, that you feel that something might give, that something may manifest and enforce your reason for being there. To others this may sound fanciful or idiotic, (and who can blame them), but as I say, to the individuals who firmly believe that something is indeed going on in the skies throughout the world. It’s the being there that counts, and if you don’t put yourself in the ball park you won’t get anything out of it. It’s like, if you don’t buy a lottery ticket, you have no chance of winning the lottery.


So, in setting the scene, I decided to take part in the British UFO skywatch which was scheduled for Saturday the 18th of September 1999. The organiser was Philip Walton a BUFORA (The British UFO Research Association) member. Philip spoke to numerous members of the various UFO societies throughout the UK asking them to become involved. I explained to Philip that I would organise a UFO skywatch in Scotland and would hold it in Scotland’s alleged UFO Capital, Bonnybridge. Bonnybridge has seen a wealth of strange UFO sightings over the years which has catapulted it into the minds of UFOlogists the world over.


I asked numerous Scottish UFOlogists to become involved and sadly only a few responded, Billy Devlin and Brian Allan from SPI Scotland, (the society I founded back in 1979) kindly agreed to take part, as did John Paul Grey from the Lanarkshire UFO society. I must admit, I was surprised by the lack of their support and enthusiasm. Councillor Billy Buchanan from Bonnybridge, who has been assisting me with these UFO reports over the years, notified various Scottish Newspapers and their coverage was extensive leading up to the day of the skywatch, indeed, I even conducted a radio interview with Central F.M. (a Stirlingshire radio station) here at my home in London just prior to my departure to Scotland. My partner Judith Jaafar and I traveled up to Scotland where we met up with a group of people at the arranged designation point in Bonnybridge High Street. From there we all jumped into our respective cars and headed off into the dark and cloudy Scottish night towards our skywatch location which was on the moors behind the town of Bonnybridge.


At my suggestion, we all parked our cars at the entrance to a local farm which I thought would not pose us any problems, not so, for a few seconds later an approaching figure came out of the darkness with a flashlight and headed towards our position. A voice boomed out, "Who is the organiser" ? I approached this lady and said it was I, whereupon she quickly and very vociferously, launched into a shouting match stating that we were trespassing on her land, and that we were upsetting the cattle in the adjoining fields and we would have to leave immediately. I eventually got a word in and gave my apologies to this local farm owner and said that we would vacate her land immediately. This we did, and we traveled a short distance to a new skywatching position. The sky at this point was heavily overcast and the forecast of rain which had been assured by the national weather men seemed not that far off. I had come prepared with my trusty kagool which admittedly had seen better days but thankfully I didn’t require it as the rain did not appear. Gathered around me were around 30 hardy souls from different parts of Scotland who had all decided that they wanted to be there on the night, some of them had seen the massive publicity, whilst others had heard about it through friends. At this point I decided to explain all about the UFO sightings from this part of Scotland and went into numerous cases that I was aware of. Local UFOlogist and video photographer Craig Malcolm was also there, and I gave him the opportunity to inform the assembled people all about the many strange UFOs that he had captured on film. Craig wasted no time in going into numerous stories about all the strange things that he had seen and filmed around the Bonnybridge area.


A short while later, we were joined by local councilor Billy Buchanan. Billy suggested moving on to higher ground where we would have a better chance of not only viewing a better skyline, but it would give us a commanding view of the Forth Valley, and boy was he right !! The new location we visited was much higher than where we were previously and sure enough, the view was far better. I then asked Billy to inform those assembled about how he became involved with the UFO sightings over Bonnybridge. As Billy was informing the assembled audience, I noticed that my partner Judith was avidly inspecting the skyline with her trusty binoculars where she seemed interested in a particular segment of skyline which I also noticed that some other people were gazing at too. I then noticed that there appeared to be a couple of unusual lights which were moving around in the sky. My partner and fellow UFOlogist Judith Jaafar now takes up the story.

The night was chill and damp, and the almost total cloud cover very low. I hadn’t been on many skywatches before, and the inclement conditions only served to remind me why I didn’t make a habit of this kind of thing. I had never in my life seen anything that could be dubbed a "UFO", and certainly wasn’t expecting to change my non extra-terrestrial craft opinions on this murky Scottish night.

After Billy had joined us and we had changed locations, I let Billy hold court while turning my back on the group and surveying the unfamiliar skyline. Over the next twenty minutes or so I acquainted myself with the lights, treelines, in and out flightpaths to Cumbernauld airport and the general lay of the land over 360 degrees. I had noticed a very bright white light just above the horizon in a general WNW location, and made a mental note to ask some of the local people what this was. The next time I looked it had vanished, somewhat to my surprise. Another smaller light just to its right still remained visible, and Billy assured me that this was a farmhouse on the Kilsyth Hills which were completely obscured by the thick, low cloud.

The bright light then proceeded to appear and disappear over the next half an hour or so, sometimes remaining in the same spot, other times being visible in different locations both to the right and left of its original position. All the while I was trying to identify this light – could it be an aeroplane, a helicopter, car lights, even a tractor on the hillside?

Then it started to change, and my interest increased. Several times the white light disappeared and was replaced by up to six small, pulsating red lights which would quickly disappear into the cloud cover. During these times the bright white light would become invisible, but its beam could clearly be seen reflecting along the underside of the clouds, almost as if the object had turned its back. I thought this sufficiently interesting to alert some others in the party, and consequently several of us watched the object both with the naked eye and binoculars.

At this point I was only mildly interested, as I was still pretty sure that whatever it was had a mundane explanation. Then all my theories went out the window. The single white light made a reappearance back at its original location and promptly divided into two white lights which rapidly flew off in opposite directions and then shot up into the clouds!

Over the course of the two hours or so that we watched this object it had traveled back and forth on the horizon, but in dark, cloudy conditions it was impossible to judge distances. I then determined to come back to this location in daylight and see exactly what the topography was like and if there would be any visible clues as to the possible nature of this light.

So it was, three weeks later, that Malcolm and I were back in Scotland and we made a return trip to the Bonnybridge moors. It was a cold, clear, sunny day and we could see for miles. The back drop had indeed been the Kilsyth Hills which were now clearly visible, and I could judge that the object I had viewed had been moving either in front of the hills or perhaps just along the crest. We estimated its left and right trajectory to have been a total of 1and a half to two miles, its distance from us about three miles and its height no more than 1000 feet.

The land there was rough grazing for sheep, and there was no sign of any kind of arable farming where a farmer might have been out ploughing on the hillside at night. And what a night to pick anyway, with the visibility so poor !

That left me with perhaps a police or rescue helicopter repeatedly traversing the same area, a very satisfying theory until one remembers the division of the light into two lights going in opposite directions. The same would apply to a light aircraft perhaps up to some illegal business, an explanation beloved of UFO skeptics these days.

I pondered this event for some time afterwards, but up till now I have not come up with a logical answer. Even earthlights do not fit the bill – they don’t have powerful directional beams that illuminate the clouds. As far as I’m concerned, this remains an unknown, the first one I have ever seen. Of course that does not mean that it is unknowable, just that I haven’t been able to identify it.


All in all then it had been a productive night, the rain had stayed off and we all had witnessed something unusual in the skies near Bonnybridge. So dear reader, the active participation of going along to a skywatch can prove productive, 99.9% of the time it does not, but thankfully on this occasion it did. I spoke with skywatch coordinator Philip Walton a few days later who told me that all the other groups in the UK had still to respond to him but he was sure that this was down to the abysmal weather that the whole of the UK had been experiencing that weekend and that they had nothing much to report. So, at the end of the day, UFOlogy is more than participating in UFO research, talking to the witnesses etc, it’s equally about getting out into the field (as it were) and taking part in skywatches which allow the individual to feel part of a society which continues their interests. So for those who haven’t participated in a skywatch, I suggest that you give it a try, it can be a cold but enjoyable experience.


© Malcolm Robinson, Judith Jaafar, SPI England/BUFORA.

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An Article By Malcolm Robinson. (SPI England)



UFOlogy today, is a mish mash of many weird and wonderful ideas, speculations and theories abound like there is no tomorrow and one wonders can this subject get any more fanciful !! Admittedly we should not forget that speculation is fine so long as it is constructive and is done with the sole purpose of finding some answers. UFOlogy has seen many books all portraying our subject with these differeing ideas. Some authors would have us believe that we are being visited by ‘beings’ from Zeta Reticuli, whilst others would have us believing that we are being visited by Time Travellers, Parallel Universal ‘beings’ or whatever, the list is extensive. One things for sure, there is no denying that we have a UFO presence, that much we can say, but a presence is one thing determining what that presence can be, is another.


I am in total agreeance with researchers wearing as many ‘hats’ as possible and opening as many UFOlogical doors as possible, the truth of the matter is within all these avenues of possibilities an answer must lie somewhere it’s just a case of finding it. I am in the fortunate position of being sent many UFO and paranormal books by publishing houses to review and recently I was sent a copy of a book which absolutely blew me away !!! Why ! well because it was so new, and was so shockingly important to the subject of UFOlogy that it just screamed out to be read by UFOlogists and sceptics alike. The book is entitled MILABS, subtitled (Military Mind Control And Alien Abduction) and is written by Dr Helmut Lammer and his wife Marion Lammer. It is my opinion, that this book holds a very big piece of the UFO puzzle and I hope that through this article I can at the very least, share some of the salient points with you. Of course for a more overall view of the book, one must purchase a copy oneself, but take it from me, it will be the best money you will have parted with for some time. Dr Lammer has a Ph.D in geophysics and works at the Austrian Space Research Institute as a planetary scientist. He has published many scientific papers in prestigious scientific journals such as Journal Of Geophysical Research, Geophysical Research Letters, and Planetary and Space Science. Dr Lammer is a member of the European Geophysical Society (EGS) and the New York Academy of Sciences. In his spare time, he writes for numerous UFO magazines and is the Austrian representative for the American society, The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and is also an associate member of the Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE). Marion Lammer studies law at the University of Graz, Austria, has a lifetime interest in Fortean phenomena and has helped her husband with his studies in his MILAB research. O.K. let’s take a look at what Helmut and Marion Lammer have to say.





The main thrust of the Lammer’s book is to inform us that ‘not all is as it seems’ ! We are informed that many UFO abductions are the result of Military personnel, men in business suits, or men in white lab coats each who are abducting individuals either ‘to’

  1. To obtain as much information from the abductee as to what

Transpired during their abduction ie, to obtain any ‘technology

Or advanced information as they possible can which could

Potentially be used by their country (America) to advance their

Own technology from the ‘abducters’


(B) The American Government ‘agencies’ are themselves imprinting false and misleading information into the minds of the unsuspecting public to further the cause/belief that UFO abductions/aliens are a reality, this is to steer the public’s belief away from what really is going on, ie, a new Stealth technology or advanced black budget technology to which they, (the Americans) do not wish the public to learn about, and they are more than happy for this technology to be camouflaged under the guise of ‘alien abductions’.

Now, as we progress, both the above categories play an important role in the understanding of the MILAB scenario and it is my hope to paint a presentation of facts which you the reader can judge for yourself. So let us now continue on with what the Lammer’s have to say about the above and I ask that you keep an open mind and try and grasp the importance of what this article is all about.

Now, what we have to bear in mind, and what is a proven fact, is that numerous UFO abductees not only report seeing small grey ‘beings’ during their abduction, but they have also told researchers the world over that they have also been ‘interrogated’ by what appear to be ‘humans’ who not only threaten them but implant devices into their head which cause them much distress. They describe being taken to Military Hangers in which strange UFO-like craft are housed. For instance, Brenda a Canadian UFO abductee, explains that she was abducted and taken to a Military Hanger where she was met by two ‘men’ in white coats who interrogated her for a period of time. This proved most distressing to her more so because these men used chloroform to knock her out. The main thing is though, she claimed to have seen advanced disc shaped objects in this ‘facility’ similar, it is said (by the author) to advanced disc shaped objects that are apparently being developed at Lockheed'’ Hellendale underground research facility near Palmdale in southern California.


Another MILAB abductee, Melinda Leslie has also experienced both alien and Military abductions. One of which occurred at an aerospace facility in southern California near Lancaster. Not only did she witness men in Navy uniform during her abduction, whilst she was being examined by small grey ‘beings’ but she also claims to have seen a strange triangle shaped craft in a large hanger, and also a dark unmarked helicopter. Melinda remembers being forced to sit in a chair where she was forcibly given a strange drink and had a syringe inserted into her arm by a human in a lab coat. She was then asked repeatedly by a red haired Military officer to tell them all about her ‘alien’ experiences and that he wanted information about the ‘aliens’ technology. Leah Haley one of America’s more noted UFO abductees, also talks about being taken by a helicopter to a Military base where she was interrogated by ‘humans’ in regards to her ‘alien’ experiences. She also states that she was given a shot in her arm and asked repeated questions by Military officers to tell them all about the ‘aliens’ technology.


These are but a few of the many references that are made by the author in regards to individuals being forcibly taken by Military people in order to try and extract some details to better the minimal knowledge of the Military chiefs. We are also told that the husband of the late Dr Karla Turner (a noted UFO researcher) also recalls an abduction in which he too was forcibly taken by Military personnel to an underground facility where he too was drugged and repeatedly asked all about the ‘aliens’ technology. Although some of these UFO abductions in regards to Military precenses being seen on board strange looking objects have been reported elsewhere, it has only been tentatively as if the authors of previous UFO books really didn’t know what to do or make with them. I would probably say that some, if not a lot of other UFO authors, have in point of fact, kept these vital facts away from their readers not knowing whether there were any truth in them or moreover, it may well spoil the thrust of the book they were writing. Thankfully these stories are now surfacing. Karla Turner referred to them numerous times and told many people that we should start to sit up and take notice of these accounts, Dr Lammer states, "The presence of human Military and/or civilian personnel inhabiting the same physical reality as the alien beings exceeds the mindsets of the sceptics and the open minded researchers by several orders of magnitude. A more truer statement has never been said. Dr Scott Jones believes that it’s quite possible that the Military machines interest in UFO abductees may well be due to them (the Military) gaining important ground as to developing brain implants, virtual reality implants, holographic image projection and cloaking devices but more so for genetic research. This all sounds incredible and seems like something out of Star Trek or Deep Space Nine, but the facts are, that more and more UFO abductees are coming forward with stories of not only meeting up with ‘aliens’ but seeing and being interrogated by their fellow human beings. Of course as things stand, this would all appear to be hidden from the U.S. Congress and may be masked under the secret ‘black budget’ projects. During the 1980’s, a lot of money we are told, was being used for top secret Military projects, the major one being for (SDI) Strategic Defence Initiative. It’s not that hard to imagine, that a certain percent of the black budget programme, went towards the procedure of finding, locating, abducting and interrogating helpless UFO abductees to try and elicit from them, what the ‘aliens’ were up to. Now this all presupposes that we ‘have’ an alien presence, and this is what makes this book so darned important. The evidence contained within this book, clearly shows that there is indeed, without any shadow of a doubt, an alien presence on this planet who’s programme is decidedly targeted towards a genetic programme of sorts. Let us now take a look at some of the other important issues contained within this book.




The Lammers present the reader with case after case of experimentation by the people we have been led to trust, Military chiefs on not only the people of the United States, but on citizens of Canada and other countries. These experiments from many years ago, were nothing to do with UFOs or the search to understand alien technology, it was to find out various things about what the human individual could endure. Covert operations have been deployed on countless thousands of people for many years, even our own Ministry of Defence has carried out secret radiation experiments on humans during the past 40 years. In America, nerve gas, LSD, and various biological agents were used on people without their permission. We often talk about the attrocities that the German Army committed during the second world war, the experimentation on the Jews both children and adults, filled us with horror, and to think that the people we elected to serve and protect us are still experimenting on our minds and bodies of citizens today should make everyone everywhere stand up and protest from the highest tower. Whilst I appreciate that mankind must learn what biochemical agents can do to someone, to use it on people without their consent is immoral. Dr Lammer tells us that horrific psychological experiments were conducted on American soldiers at Edgewood Arsenal Maryland, eight former Nazi scientists worked at Edgewood for the Americans between 1947 to 1966 developing and testing lethal nerve gas and psychochemicals on humans. Dr Ewen Cameron led a CIA funded laboratory at McGill University during the 1950’s where people were used as guinea pigs for brainwashing experiments. People were given huge amounts of hallucinogens, some were given electro-convulsive therapy, and others were subjected to sensory deprivation. More importantly, Dr Lammer tells us that a panel appointed by the Clinton administration in 1994 to look into these matters, found that four hundred documented Government backed bio-medical experiments involving humans were undertaken between the years of 1944 and 1975. How much more has gone on that we don’t know about ! I’m sure we’ll never really know. Mind control victim Claudia Mullen testified before the advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments in Washington D.C. during March 1995 where she explained that she was taken by Military people over a course of many years, and subjected against her will, in experiments concerning Chemicals, radiation, drugs, hypnosis, electric shock, sleep deprivation and even sexual abuse ! Another witness, Delora, recalls that he father who was a career Navy Officer, was stationed at an ammunition depot in Shoemaker Arkansas, and during those early years whilst he was stationed there she remembers flashbacks of being with both her parents inside a Military bunker where she saw ‘aliens’ performing experiments on humans. Delora knew that this bunker housed chemical and biological weapons which may have been an interest to these ‘aliens’. She also claims to have seen a number of humans suspended in gas or liquid filled capsules. Delora holds the opinion that those people that were contained inside these capsules were clones and being used for secret bio-warfare or chemical warfare experiments. American UFO researcher Dan Wright who is head of the MUFON abduction Transcription Project has a number of records on file which detail this description of humans being witnessed in large tubes or containers, some of his cases, feature humans who somehow had to ‘breathe’ the strange liquid that was found inside these containers. This puts me in mind of the famous Scottish A70 UFO Abduction, where one of the two witnesses, Colin Wright, found himself enclosed in a large glass or Perspex container. He was naked and was strapped to a chair when suddenly this glass or Perspex started to frost up. Colin doesn’t recall the container being filled with any fluid, but certainly recalls the situation very vividly and with a certain amount of fear.


The Lammer’s explain that this concept about ‘fluid breathing’ more or less began in the mid 1960’s when a certain Dr J. Kylstra, a physiologist at the state University of New York at Buffalo, found that salt solutions could be saturated with oxygen at high pressures. He went on to perform experiments with mice and was able to keep them alive for 18 hours, however, his eventual use of this practice did not work when he applied it to humans ! Other researcher’s began to take an interest in the work of Dr Kylstra and a number of people began their own experiments (mostly on mice). We learn that the early 1990’s proved successful, scientists kept dogs alive for around 2 hours in a perfluorocarbon container. After removal, the dogs were apparently hypoxic but returned to normal after a few days. UFOlogists will of course recall another famous American UFO witness by the name of Betty Andreasson. Betty claimed that she was placed inside a large tube filled with liquid of which she was told was to cushion the large force of the gravity during the UFO’s acceleration. The Lammers also go on to explain that during the 1960’s a Dr Robert Goodwin experimented with human embryos by keeping them alive in artificial womb like steel containers. However, pressure applied by the scientific community and also members of the public forced him to abandon these experiments. Clearly then this business with UFO abductees reporting tubes and containers which hold some form of liquid and which they have either been placed in there themselves, or have seen others in there, is something which is a major part of the UFO abduction phenomenon. But of course why ! What real purpose does these containers hold ? Is it as was told to Betty Andreasson ‘to cushion the G forces of acceleration’, or does it hold a more sinister purpose ! Is it really for the benefit of the UFO abductee !! It’s frustrating that as we approach the Millennium, we are no further forward in answering these and other questions, than we were when the modern era of UFOlogy first began.


One might say however, that we do have the answers, and those answers are all to do with the genetic interbreeding programme that seems to be part and parcel of the make up of the ‘aliens’ agenda. They may be modifying the genetic make up of humans for their own purposes, introducing their own DNA to create some kind of hybrid species, a species which will be adaptive in all environments which can stand high pressures, breathe liquid with ease etc. However, and I’ve said and written about this many times before, why oh why is this abduction procedure ‘still occurring’ ! Haven’t they (the aliens) got enough genetic material by now ! They have been abducting the people of this planet for nigh on 50 years if not more, and here at the close of the century, they are still taking people from their homes and environments and subjecting them to clinical and medical procedures without consent. As a researcher, this angers me as I’m sure it does to most people, but more so because, if there truly is any truth to what these UFO abductees are telling us, ie, that the Military chiefs of this world know what’s going on, and are assisting in this, then this is the biggest deception, this is the biggest lie, and this is the biggest shock. As human beings, we expect those in power to look after us and to think that those we elected to serve us can betray us in this way, well it just beggars belief.


The Lammers present case after case after case, of factual data which informs us that the Governments of this world have not been treating their citizens with any respect, far from it, they are abusing our trust, abducting us for medical procedures which can cause lasting harm if not death, all in the name of science. We quite rightly concern ourselves about the plight of the animal kingdom, it’s also about time that we should equally be concerned about the plight of humans as well ! During the Cold war scientists were using mind control on helpless victims by inserting devices up their nostrils in order to control them, a procedure all to reminiscent of alien abductions. In the authors studies, they soon came to realise that there were around 3, ‘human’ agendas associated with the ‘alien abduction’ scenario. They found that one group of humans were interested in UFO abductees purely for mind and behaviour projects, sensory deprivation and liquid breathing experiments. Another group were interested in biological and genetic experiments, indeed a number of MILAB abductees, clearly recall seeing other human beings enclosed in tubes filled with liquid, they also tell of seeing genetically altered animals ! All these were witnessed in Military Underground research facilities. A third group the authors explain, are solely interested in the actual alien abduction phenomenon itself, purely for information gathering purposes.


Dark unmarked helicopters, have been a growing trend within the confines of UFOlogy of late. A large number of UFO witnesses (but more so UFO abductees,) claim that their lives have been subjected to harrasment by low flying unmarked helicopters that have buzzed their homes morning afternoon and night, and when they complain to the local or national airports, no one can provide them with an answer a to where or who they belong to !!! Debbie Jordan, Budd Hopkins star UFO abductee, claims that her life has been a misery since she had her UFO abduction, for since that time many large dark unmarked helicopters have stalked both her and her family. Debbie was quoted as saying. "Even when I am outside and obviously watching back, it doesn’t seem to bother them, they just sit there in mid-air about 60 to 90 feet above the ground whirling and watching. They are completely without identification and are always low enough so that I could easily see the pilot if the windshield were clear glass. But the windshield is smokey black, and with a finish that makes it impossible to see who’s inside".


What I, as the author of this article finds hard to believe, is that this form of harrasement is necessary !! For surely the pilots of these helicopters are drawing much attention to themselves by doing this ! If they are so interested in these unfortunate UFO abductees, then this form of behaviour surely shouldn’t happen and could be done in their usual ‘covert’ way. Of course we can’t forget the fact that these black unmarked helicopters, have been seen many times over the pastures in which cattle mutilations have been found, and more recently, dark unmarked helicopters have been witnessed flying above the wheat fields of England where many strange crop circle formations have been found. Clearly then, there is great interest by these shady ‘agencies’ in the lives of the UFO abductees, and the crop formations in Southern England, not forgetting the obscene and tragic animal mutilations that have been discovered in unusual circumstances with each passing year. In their book, the Lammers present many cases where dark unmarked helicopters have made the lives a misery of many a UFO abductee.




Probably the most important aspect and significant if not disturbing part of the Lammers book, is their presentation of facts which clearly show that certain American Government ‘agencies’ have been working side by side with the ‘greys’ for a good number of years now. This aspect of UFOlogy, has of course been speculated on by many UFOlogists for a number of years now. And this is why perhaps UFOlogists and the general public at large never obtain a statement of sorts from the American Government admitting what’s going on. They ‘know’ whats going on, ‘they’ are part of it. The abduction of humans from this planet is part orchestrated by the Military chiefs of this Earth in order to obtain information from these visiting ‘intruders’ which may further and advance the cause of potential warfare capabilities of those who learn the secrets first of people from other worlds.


The above of course sounds incredibly fanciful and full of speculation, but can there be any real truth in this ! The Lammers again present an incredible amount of information to say that this is so. The MILABS book will clearly change your perception about what UFOlogy is all about, it certainly changed mine. I was sent this book to review, believe you me, it’s impossible to review a book of such a proportion in so little words, hence I chose to do a slightly more worded version, and even so, this will not do it justice. At the end of the day, where would UFOlogy be without the sterling work of a number of UFOlogists like the Lammers and the late Karla Turner who are bringing these Military/Alien cases to our attention.




The finding of implants in the bodies of UFO abductees is a well known factor in UFOlogy. Strange small metallic devices some round, some small and slim, have been found in the nasal cavities in abductees, and also other parts of their bodies as well (sometimes even their big toes !!) Why would a sophisticated intelligent race of beings want to track and monitor a person in this way is beyond this writer’s comprehension. If they (the aliens !) can ghost into someone’s bedroom and abduct someone of an evening, it seems unusual that they would need to know where people are, or do these devices perform some other kind of function ? The Lammers present the reader of the MILABS book with an in-depth look at the implant phenomenon. They tell us that the Military have been implanting electrodes into the bodies of unwitting subjects as early as 50 years ago and some horrific tales can be found in this book. I present the following paragraph (with permission) to illustrate the point.


During the 50’s and early 60’s, neuro scientist Dr Jose Delgado invented the stimoceiver, an electrode capable of receiving and transmitting electronic signals via FM radio waves. Such a device, implanted in the brain via the sinus cavities, will act as a powerful stimulant when activated by FM radio waves. One can speculate, that the stimoceiver has since been modified to receive stimulation from microwave pulses, and is capable of wielding a great degree of control over the implanted victim’s response mechanisms.


We then learn that this implant technology was developed after World War 11 and by now, as we approach the millennium, I’m more than sure that this technology has superseded it’s expectations. The Lammers speculate that the Military Intelligence community are or have more than likely been using this technology for secret Government projects, some of the photographic plates contained within this book, clearly show the implants on the X Ray skulls of various individuals. The Lammers uncovered a pre-classified 1960’s Government document pertaining to a secret project called MKULTRA which clearly showed that the CIA was interested in expanding implant studies onto humans, they speculate, could the various Military Agencies that implant various humans, be using the ‘alien’ cover story to mask their own clandestine endeavours ? This is entirely feasible and may account for a high percent of abductions the world over. This is not to say, that the actual ‘alien’ abduction phenomena is not real, it may well be, but we have to consider the fact, that the Military Chiefs would be more than happy to use the ‘alien’ abduction cover story in order for the public at large to be kept in the dark about their secret and unsavoury actions.


Of course there is another way to look at the implant phenomenon, and that is that the Military Chiefs may be inserting these implant devices, to monitor the ‘real’ UFO abductees respiration, muscle tension and physiological data. There is no denying the evidence by UFO abductees, when they say that they have witnessed Military personnel, either on board a strange craft, or in an underground cavern whilst they have been ‘operated’ on by ‘beings’ which are clearly not human. Admittedly implant technology has it’s medical benefits, (for a whole range of reasons) one can safely say that a pacemaker is one of the biggest implants that we have in the human body which serves a very useful purpose, but what we are talking about here is entirely different. We are talking about the implanting of devices (without consent) into the bodies of terrified victims by humans and ‘non humans’ alike. The one main aspect of the Lammer’s book, is the continued reference to the fact that many UFO abductees are taken to underground facilities where they see both humans and ‘non humans’ alike. They (the UFO abductees) also witness strange disc shaped craft, large dark unmarked helicopters. They are interrogated by Military personel, sometimes viciously and with mind bending drugs, all in a desired attempt to find out from these poor unfortunate abductees, what the ‘aliens’ have told them. I found the following paragraph quite illuminating in regards to the overall theme of the Lammer’s book.


"Perhaps the Military split the personality of some abductees with known mind control techniques like sensory deprivation, spin programming, flashlights, electric shocks, rape, in order to create ‘Manchurian Candidates’ for information gathering purposes during alien abduction experiences".


The Lammers then pose 2 interesting questions to the reader.

  1. Are MILAB abductees Military programmed ‘Manchurian Candidates’ who spy for a secret Military task force in alleged ‘alien crafts’ ? Are they so called ‘Trojan Horses’ inside ‘real’ UFOs during an alien abduction experience ?
  2. OR

  3. Is their alien abduction experience a synthetically programmed screen memory for hiding secret spy or Military missions ?


What we can deduce from all this, is that the Military people are clearly involved and very much concerned about the alien abduction phenomenon as they have been for decades now. The CIA FBI and NSA, have in the past denied their involvement in the UFO study, but thankfully under the Freedom of Information Act passed several years ago now, it was plain to see from the documentation released, that the above agencies were indeed, very much involved with what’s going on, and are surely now ‘still so’ ! In closing this article, I must say that I am deeply concerned about not so much the threat from the ‘non humans’ in all this, (although that is still a concern) but the threat and deceit from those people of whom we elected to serve and protect us. They are abusing their trust, they are abusing their positions to learn what is going on, but ultimately they have now become a ‘big part’ themselves in the UFO problem. It seems inconceivable that we have a situation such as this, it’s like something you would find in a 1950’s B movie or back street American comic shop, but this is ‘real’, this is ‘happening’, and it’s happening now. I think we should be deeply concerned about what’s going on, this is a crime against humanity. But like any crime, we require proof, and this subject is so bizarre that the stories told to us by these unfortunate UFO abductees may not be believed, but slowly we are turning the screw, this monumental book has untold possibilities for the community, no longer are we talking about strange lights in the sky, we are now on the threshold of an alarming twist in the UFO enigma, a twist that is unsavoury and demands action. It’s bad enough having to deal with UFO abductions at all, but to have the Military involved (who deny everything) just begs for action to be taken.


I don’t know what comes next, it is my hope and the hope of many others that something can be done about this, that the tables can be turned (so to speak). As we approach the new century, I am concerned and intrigued at what might happen next within the confines of the UFO subject. It’s been with us for many years now, what lies ahead ! I expect that there are more twists and turns to follow and whatever happens next, I hope that for the sake of humanity the new experiences will prove beneficial to us, and may lead us into a better world, a world of which may find us sharing with people not of this Earth.


(c) Malcolm Robinson, Strange Phenomena Investigations England.




Well that’s it again for another while, do tell your friends about the SPI web site, and do if you can, try and come along to the BUFORA London lectures, they are not always about UFOs, I am trying to bring forward different subjects which I hope will provide further information to quench the thirst of an ever interested public. BUFORA is going from strength to strength. We have a number of Rolling Projects on the go where we are taking a look at various aspects of UFOlogy, from Close Encounter Experiences to Car Stop cases to name but a few. BUFORA has a few dissatisfied ex members who are out to cause it harm by their ceaseless inaccurate ramblings which they post to nearly every one on the planet. BUFORA won’t respond to this nonsense, we believe in getting on with the job in hand rather that play tittle tattle to gain a few giggles. The Northern Brigade (Yorkshire) are to be pitied for their constant hammering on at BUFORA, they don’t seem to realise that UFOlogy is about Investigation, not slagging people off. I hope the realisation that working together is so much better than working apart. BUFORA will not enter into any of this senseless debate. (We did try in the past to explain all about certain things, but this just made them bite harder !!) Our silence to these people may sound like admitting defeat, but BUFORA believe in Investigation and not, as I say spreading inaccurate tittle tattle to raise a smile on those who really don’t know the true facts. Sometime this subject really pains me !!!


Anyway, that’s my ‘wee’ gripe over with. Do keep your interest up in UFO & paranormal matters, because I believe we are at the forefront of exciting times !! My thanks to Judith Jaafar for her help, and also to SPI’s Dean Ladds and also to Steve Gerrard and Dave Gillham for having this Scotsman present a lecture to their conference. Remember, UFOlogy is all about doing things, not creating inaccurate trouble ! Till next time.

©Malcolm Robinson, SPI ENGLAND 1999.
Contact Malcolm at,
Mail Malcolm at SPI England.

© SPI Strange Phenomena Investigations. Founded in 1979 by Malcolm Robinson.
Malcolm Robinson
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