SPI News.
Firstly let me apologise for the delay with this month’s news, this has been due to my heavy workload of late. I have been studying for a new job within Vodafone recently plus I have been putting myself around in getting publicity for the BUFORA London lectures,then there was the Max Burns lecture, then I was giving a lecture up in Norwich to the Norfolk UFO Society, believe you me, there just hasn’t been enough hours in the day. Still, it’s great being back in front of a P.C. (it’s all coming back to me !!!) O.K. enough of the honest excuses let’s get on with the news.
A few months ago I did something that I have never done before and always said I wouldn’t do ! I went along and saw a palmist. As a researcher one must enquire into as many aspects of the strange and unusual as one can, that said, there are still things that I try and ‘shy’ away from, not that I don’t believe in them, it’s just that I won’t spend too much time involved with them, and palmistry has been one of those subjects. Can psychics really see your life in ‘your’ hands ! Are all our lives pre-ordained and scripted for us by some unknown celestial director ! Admittedly, I do believe in ‘pre-destiny’, always have done, syncronicity and Deja-Vu, have played a big part in my life and may form the basis of a future article. Anyway, it was with great curiosity that I went along to my local Ealing Broadway Centre where at one section, can be found a regular booth which houses one such palmist. She is an attractive female probably in her late 40’s and seemingly has a good reputation for telling one things which would appear ‘very close to the bone’ !!! It was a rainy afternoon, I hadn’t much to do and in a moment of pure curiosity, I decided to part with £13 to find out what it was all about. Seeing my smile, the psychic asked if I would like a reading, and with a little trepidation I walked into her booth, sat down on a stool and wondered what would happen next.
She asked me to move closer, so I shuffled my stool ever nearer, she took my right hand, looked it all over, and explained that she was going to tell me about my future life, my love life, and my work life. By now I was wondering if I had made the right decision, ‘did I really want to know what was in store for me, and would what she told me be really true, or would it be a combination of guess work and the odd factual by chance correct hit’ !! It was too late now, I was there, she was holding my hand, there was no going back. She then said that she was going to look at my aura, and surprisingly (at least to me) she looked way above my head, further than I imagined by aura to be, she said it was healthy and in good order, (O.K. good start there !) She then proceeded to tell me a number of things of which I’ll now begin to share with you.
a course of antibiotics for a health condition. As yet, I haven’t, and with
this one I hope I don’t have to !
much better. Again a common enough thing to say to anybody so no
surprises there.
work needed to be done. Spot on, only a few days later we had to call in a
local plumber to fix some drains at the house, which by the way, cost us a
pritty penny I can tell you.
won’t go into here, but this was extremely spot on and was the best and
most accurate of that day’s reading. Sorry, but it’s too personal to go into
here, it was so true, that shivers went down my spine.
that I was better in a lone situation that working on a day to day basis with
others. She may think that, I don’t, and I don’t have any problems what
so ever with working as a team. I’m sure I could do things alone,
probably all of us can, but for me that’s not an option.
here’s hoping. I have a few irons in the fire with speaking engagements
in the U.S. and Australia, and if they come off (and they are for next year)
then I’ll be more than chuffed. I’ve never given a lecture in America and
Australia before and it’s something that I very much want to do, so it will
be interesting to see what transpires about that one.
everyone knows, I don’t drive !! and have no intentions of driving, so she
was way off the mark with that one. Even if she was referring to my
partners car, she would have got that wrong, for the colour of the car is
heard this said to me by a number of other psychics, admittedly I’ve
never done anything about it. Personally I don’t think I am a healer and
nobody has ever mentioned to me about feeling anything from my hands.
Should I nurse this possible latent talent ! Don’t think so, just ain’t got
the time !
see’s me leaving that job later this year and finding another job. Mmmm.
(Late News, I am now no longer working for Vodafone so she got that
one right !!)
This psychic went on to say a number of other things, most of which were trivial and unspectacular. The part about my personal life and about me having two houses etc, was scary, but then again, may only have been good guess work. I’m not trying to knock psychics as I know how good they are. I’ve had many accurate readings from a number of Spiritualists over the years to know that. At the end of the day however, my visit to this psychic was none too spectacular, interesting, but nothing spectacular. And will I be doing it again ? I don’t think so.
Although I’m now living in England, I’m quite surprised by the amount of Scottish letters I receive, these can be to do with general enquiries about SPI, or indeed letters relating about people’s own personal experiences. I received one such letter only fairly recently and it is to this letter that I would now like to tell you about. I won’t disclose the person’s name, suffice it to say that she comes from the town of Denny in Stirlingshire (close to the UFO Hot Spot town of Bonnybridge). This (in part), is what the witness had to tell me.
"It was in the late summer of 1997 that I was visiting Falkirk Stirlingshire. Falkirk is located some 6 miles away from Bonnybridge and many sightings of UFOs have been made in the area to which some have dubbed, ‘The Falkirk Triangle’. I was with my mother and we had parked at Falkirk Town Hall, when, at the top on the incline, I noticed a group of about 6 or 8 youngish persons on the other side of the road waiting to cross. Two had already crossed and were awaiting the others. When they all met up, they all crossed another section of the road. It was sunny and quite hot and I thought it unusual that they had jackets on with hoods over their heads. The leader’s jacket was red, and the others had grey track suit tops that seemed brand new and out of place. Their movements were very different from normal people , they walked closely in unison with an unusual rocking motion, as if being on four legs was natural, rather than two, rather like a four legged animal might walk on it’s hind legs. They had to walk upright lest they drew attention to themselves. Their backs were absolutely different from humans, as the top halves of their bodies folded in advance of their legs".
"The leader of the group seemed to walk in a more human fashion and was aware of his surroundings, but the remainder of the group seemed not to have this awareness. The leader was constantly looking round, shepherding his charges and did not realise how close he got to me. He would be about 5 feet 8 inches in height and I could see his face despite his efforts to conceal it with a loose scarf. The whites of his eyes were brown, the pupils being a different shade of brown. The eyes, although piercing, were not menacing but rather nervous, continually darting about which could have seemed like that because of the smaller pupils".
"I did not attempt to get out of the groups way, and as a result the leader and I nearly collided. I then felt thoughts entering my mind coming from the leader instructing me that I had seen nothing and attempting to obliterate what I had witnessed. My mind strongly resisted this intrusion. I have no doubt that I experienced a telepathic contact which was an attempt to wipe my memory of the incident".
"I rejoined my mother who was waiting for me a short distance away and excitedly asked, "Did you see them" ? they were not real people. My mother said that she had a feeling that all was not right, though she seemed to see the incident from a rather different perspective from me. She had glimpsed faces but saw them mostly from the back and had noticed that the figure at the rear of the group was of similar stature and posture to the leader of the group. However, he wore a black and red baseball type cap pulled forward over his face. My mother and I walked on and though momentarily I had felt frightened, I was more shocked than anything else and I suddenly realised the ‘beings’ were no longer there. For some reason I did not feel the need to look back, which, in retrospect, was most unusual for me. Unlike my mother, I am interested in the whole UFO phenomenon and I decided at the time not to make my experience known to the media. I did mention what I had seen to a few close friends, but perhaps not unnaturally, my story was greeted with a high derision of scepticism. The incident has disturbed me, in that I feel that there has been an attempt to violate the privacy of my thoughts, but on the other hand, I successfully resisted the attempt. Seeing a ‘non-human’ is not as shocking as the attempt to erase what I had seen from my mind".
"I sincerely believe that the leader made telepathic contact with me to implant the thought that I had seen nothing unusual. It was a powerful suggestion and I am proud that my mind was capable of resisting this infringement. My fear, is that they can make us see exactly what they want us to see, what can we be sure of ? We have got used to the idea of ‘non-human’ contact over the past years, but if the secret that is being kept from the public is the power these beings have over our minds, then I understand why the authorities are even now reluctant to disclose the true facts of the matter. It is difficult for anyone who has had an experience like mine to accept it, and for those who do not believe in the subject and would make fun of it, I have a certain amount of envy for them in their ignorance. I am certain in my own mind that I saw those ‘beings’, but the most disturbing aspect of the whole event, was the intrusion into my mind, this is what I really am unable to accept".
Well, what are we to make of that ? Firstly we have to ask ourselves if this individual was making a mountain out of a mole hill ! Many teenagers dress weird these days, even in hot and sunny temperatures. I’ve seen many teenagers with parka type jackets (and fleece type jackets) pull the hood up over their head, it looks silly on a sunny day but there you are. This girl was well aware of the many UFO sightings in that area was she making something out of nothing ? O.K. she states that the ‘leader’s’ eyes were brown and the pupils were a different shade of brown and looked very piercing. This could have been weird contact lenses !! I’m not trying to knock this individual’s account, I’m only trying to put some semblance on the matter. I am well aware of weird looking people being witnessed from many parts of the world from UFO ‘Hot Spots’. At the end of the day we are, as I’ve said many times in the past, dealing purely with witness testimony and perhaps their own beliefs. This may or may not, have been something strange. She feels as if her mind was being entered, possibly, but again speculation. I present this strange case here simply for you to be the judge, are ‘aliens’ walking the streets of Falkirk and Bonnybridge disguised as funky teenagers !!!!
Controversial (well some would say !) researcher Max Burns finally presented his lecture on the infamous ‘Sheffield Incident’ to a BUFORA and public audience one year late. As you many of you know, Max was stopped at the 11th hour last year from presenting his findings to BUFORA all because of a few disgruntled people who said that Max shouldn’t talk, that researcher Dave Clark had wrapped the case up and it was all ‘sorted’ that there was nothing in the rumours of Tornado Jets and UFOs. I have always been convinced that the coin in my pocket had a head and a tail, (ie that there are two sides to everything in life, never ever believe one side of any story, that’s the rule I always go by.) Dave Clark is a fine researcher and someone I respect, but for him (and others) to try and stop Max from coming forward with new information, information which was up for all to see and digest as they see fit, was beyond comprehension. An audience (any audience) surely have a brain in their head to make up their own minds on any information presented in regards to what’s true and what’s not, don’t they !!!! Anyway, Max’s detractors tried but failed, the talk went ahead. This case is too complex to go into here, but for anyone who would like to receive a full and comprehensive list of Max Burn’s findings into this case, then please contact SPI England where we will despatch it off to you with a small charge to cover postage. And where were Max’s detractors on the day, did they turn up to voice their disapproval at the man’s efforts to try and find some answers to this case, did they heck as like. Had they been there, I, as lecture organiser, would have given them every opportunity to state their feelings, because I will not refuse the publics right to free speech any more than I would stop a public speaker from ‘his or ‘her’ right to free speech. I asked the audience that day to ask Max as many questions as they liked, I asked them not to hold back, Max took many questions from the floor (and was more than happy to do so). All in all his talk went well and the audience went home to digest what he said, make their own minds up, but more importantly, they were (this time) given the opportunity to at least here the man speak, here what he had to say. As lecture organiser for the British UFO Research Association, I will give every man and woman their right of free speech, it will take a very brave man indeed to tell me what to do and who I can put on as a speaker as it may upset ‘them’. !!!! I should also state for the record, that BUFORA published Dave Clarke’s account of the Sheffield Incident in our Bulletin a good few months ago, so we are not out to stifle anyone’s research, BUFORA will present all sides of the story and Dave Clarke’s evidence is no different.
After the lecture a number of UFOlogists all came back to our house where we sat and had a few drinks, played a few games of pool, and generally talked ‘shop’. We had Max himself (who stayed with us overnight). Miles Johnston an Irish UFO researcher, Matthew Williams of Truth Seekers Review magazine and crop circle maker (!!) Richard Conway, Dave Moncur from Scotland, Neil Cunnigham a researcher also from Scotland but now, like myself, residing in London, plus a number of others. All in all it had been a good day and the distribution of information through research must continue to be given the chance to all. The down side of this lecture, just had to be the turn out !! I absolutely blitzed the London media with posters of this event, I submitted them to T.V. companies to radio shows, from major to minor newspapers, to corner shops to post offices, libraries and bus shelters, I even spent 2 evenings on Marylebone Street and Baker Street handing out flyers about this event to passers by, (twice being moved on by the Metropolitan Police and British Transport officials), all this to no avail, because only a paltry sum of 35 people turned up for this event, I was absolutely gobsmacked by this poor turn out.
I’ve put on many a lecture in Scotland with SPI and the turn out’s we had up there were much higher than this, and yet here I am in London, a Capital City, and we can only get 35 people, granted England were playing Sweden that same day, and London as a City has many other attractions and events on during a Saturday, but even so, 35 people, Jeezzeee !!!
Well well, I’ve just downloaded some E-mails from those who have been having a go at Max Burns, (the one’s who didn’t turn up to hear Max’s version of events). Apparently they are still having a go at him. Jenny Randles has now joined in stating that we should vet certain speakers before they take stage before the public, I don’t believe what I’m reading !!! Does the man and woman in the street not have the right to hear who they want to hear !! Haven’t they got a brain inside their head to make and judge for themselves who is talking twaddle or not !!! Apparently not, certain people wish to return to the old Russian values of "We shall tell you what you want to hear, you haven’t the right to hear it for yourselves". I’m sorry, but I can’t write anymore on this nonsense, it beggars belief !!!!!!!!
All lectures will be held at the University of Westminster, 35 Marylebone Road, Central London, NW1 5LS, (Opposite Madamme Tussauds) beginning at 2:00pm until 6:00pm. Nearest Tube Station ‘Baker Street’ Adults £4:50 BUFORA Members £2:50.
Saturday 4th September 1999. Lynn Picknett & Clive Prince. ‘THE STARGATE CONSPIRACY’. Accomplished author Lynn Picknett and fellow researcher Clive Prince will be talking about their book ‘The Stargate Conspiracy’. What really lies behind the major cults that claim to channel extraterrestrials ? Is there another more ‘terrestrial’ but equally disturbing explanation for apparent contact with (as she calls them) ‘Space Gods’. Come along and find out for yourself.
Saturday 2nd October 1999. Jon Downes. Jon will be lecturing on a whole range of weird and wonderful events from ghosts and poltergeists, to big cats and lake monsters. He will also be discussing his work in regards to the Chupacabra and on UFO sightings within the Devonshire Triangle. Not to be missed.
Saturday 6th November 1999. Cancellation by Reg Presley. Unfortunately Reg has had to pull out from giving BUFORA a lecture on this date due to more tour work which has recently come in for his pop group ‘The Troggs’. Reg however has promised me that he ‘will’ lecture to BUFORA at some point next year. I will have a new speaker for this date soon, and will notify our readers through the web site, alternatively, you may call me to find out who this new speaker will be.
Saturday 4th December 1999. Arthur Tomlinson. Arthur has researched the subject of UFO sightings in the U.K. for many years now and will be presenting a number of his most impressive cases such as the famous Ilkely Moor Entity case.
Do try and come along to these lectures, indeed, tell your friends about them, let’s support British UFOlogy.
Early June saw Judy and I once more set off in the car and head off onto the motorway, this time our destination was Norwich in the county of Norfolk. I had kindly been invited by researcher Jak Solomon to present a lecture to his society. Surprisingly the drive this time round, was not marred by the usual heavy downpour that Judy and I have come to expect whenever we take to the car and head off somewhere. Arriving in Norwich we met up with Jak and a number of his members each of whom had a story to tell us regarding their own UFO experiences. A fair sized turn out was there to hear my normal lecture which concerns some of Scotland’s most interesting UFO cases. I spoke about the Bob Talyor Incident, the Polmont Case, Bonnybridge, the A70 Incident and a number of others. Question time was fast and furious and many interesting and varied points were made, well apart that is from one chap who asked me if I thought that the Royal Family were Reptilians !!!! Looking at his serious face, I stated that as far as I was concerned, they were not, although I’m sure many would disagree !!! At the end of the day I had enjoyed this lecture, the Norfolk UFO society are a very friendly bunch and they are committed in their quest for the truth. For more information on the Norfolk UFO Society, contact Jak Solomon at 29 Bakers Road Norwich, Norfolk, NR3 3AZ. Alternatively, you may E-mail or telephone him at pan@hotmail.com Telephone: 01603 440438.
For those interested in attending UFO lectures, here are three locations where I am giving lectures later this year.
Malcolm Robinson at the Friends Meeting House Northampton Wednesday the 7th of July at 8:00pm. Contact Diane Shepard on 01604 756 153 for more information.
Malcolm Robinson on Thursday August 12th. Contact Graham Allen on 01889 585 149 for more information.
Malcolm Robinson, Graham Birdsall, Russel Callaghan at the Solent Conference Centre Southampton Sunday the 24th of October, 10am till 5:00pm. Tickets £12:00 (£10:00 concessions). Phone Steve Gerrard on 01703 448 194 for further information.
As a researcher, I receive and hear many weird and wonderful tales, nothing really surprises me any more and I’m sure many other researchers will agree. Recently (May) a chap came to my home in Ealing to tell me all about his strange and bizarre experience. He had initially contacted BUFORA’s Gloria Dixon and it was Gloria who suggested that I should get in touch with him. This I did, and on a warm sunny May day witness Colin Cornes came to my home where I sat him down and he proceeded to tell me quite a bizarre experience.
David is 24 years of age, very fit and athletic and is a law student in his 4th year at a London University. The event happened in the early hours of the 18th/19th of June 1996 in the halls of residence at this London University. This briefly, is what he had to tell me.
It was a warm May evening and he was lying on his bed naked, and on his side, when he became aware of what he thought was his fridge door being opened and closed, he found this sound most peculiar and began to wonder if perhaps there was someone else in his room. At this point, as he glanced around the room, he was startled to see his perception of the room, change dramatically. The room appeared flat and ‘not in the right dimensions’, the whole room appeared to be ‘wavering’ just like ripples on a still mill pond when you throw a stone in, everything appeared to be moving. At this point he began to get very scared, just then, a tremendous bright white flash illuminated the whole room followed by a rush of wind. He then found that he couldn’t move a muscle, he tried to move his arms, nothing, he tried to move his legs, nothing, he tried to cry out, nothing, all he could move was his eyes. Suddenly he became aware of 3 or 4 ‘beings’ at the side of his bed, he describes them as around 1 metre tall and were wearing what he could only describe as similar to a Monks habit which came over their heads. I asked Colin if he could discern what colour these habits were, and he said that he felt they were brown in colour although he wasn’t too sure as the room was fairly dark, but not that dark that you couldn’t make out features.
I asked Colin if he could see their faces, to which he replied that he could, that they were very evil looking, brown in colour and appeared to be ‘scrunched up’ !! He also observed very dark oval eyes. He said that he could clearly see 3 ‘beings’ but was sure there were more, certainly another one which was just outside his line of vision. It was at this point that Colin experienced a very bizarre sensation, he said that all his life just suddenly flashed before him. Scenes from his childhood would come and go and then suddenly everything just stopped on a vision of his half sister Claire It was at this point that he then saw a large silver metallic object in the hands of one of these ‘beings’, it slowly pointed this device in his direction and began to move it towards his body. By now the terror in Colin was beyond comprehension, he has never known terror like it and worse still, he was absolutely powerless to stop it. The device came closer and closer until it was just outside and below his rib cage, then, with a pain that he has never known before, this device was slowly inserted into his body. Colin explained in his interview with me that the pain he experienced at this point was ‘indescribable’ it was intense and all he wanted was for it to stop, but with no compassion, the needle like device was inserted deeper and deeper until David was sure that he would pass out with the pain. Thankfully the device was then retracted out of his body and the pain completely subsided.
Seconds later he witnessed these ‘beings’ walking backwards towards the bedroom wall and somehow they just appeared to melt through it until they could no longer be seen. Just as they were walking backwards towards the wall, there was another explosion of white light followed by a rush of wind. He then found that he could move and he quickly jumped out of bed, turned on the light and checked all through his room to see if perhaps someone or ‘thing’ was still lurking, thankfully nothing was. He then looked at his body, and just below his right rib cage he detected a small red spot where this needle like device had been, as he continued to look at it, it slowly faded until nothing at all could be seen. Wondering if perhaps someone else may have seen these ‘things’, he walked out of his room towards the outside hall where he met a fellow student who was sitting staring at his computer, Colin found this strange as this student wasn’t normally up at this early time in the morning, (just after 01:39). Asking him if he had seen anything himself, his friend replied that he had not. Puzzled Colin returned to his room, where, after checking again a few times, he returned to his bed but found that he couldn’t sleep. David related to both Gloria Dixon and me that there had been another 1st year law student (a girl called Alex) who had told him that she had been having problems at home and had been abducted by ‘aliens’ in another Hall of Residence, this was prior to Colin’s event, however, Colin didn’t believe her and thought of her as a nutcase. The girl left shortly after this.
Colin explained that he has always been a healthy man, he doesn’t smoke, or take drugs, indeed, he has never even taken a headache tablet !!! Sadly, since his experience, his health has deteriorated and he suffers from a bad neck. He went on to recall an incident when he was eleven years of age, he felt as though a man dressed in black was coming to ‘get him’ and at one stage he was found outside sleepwalking half a mile away from his home dressed in his pajamas. As we know, Colin’s experience is not unique, but tales like these fill me with horror should they be true ! I have no reason to doubt Colin’s testimony, he struck me as a very honest individual and told his tale with honesty and conviction. Never since my work on the famous Scottish A70 Abduction case, has a story held me so spellbound, the thing is though, where do experiences like these take us !!! What can we learn from them, O.K. it’s another piece of the UFOlogical jigsaw but it isn’t making any sense. What were ‘they’ doing in Colin’s bedroom, why were ‘they’ inserting a needle like device into his body, ? Why, Why, Why !!!! All this must ‘mean something’, but I’m darned if I know what. I have a few more visits planned for Colin and should any further evidence or information turn up, then I’ll let the readers know.
There was a time when I would have suggested using hypnosis on a case such as this, but as you may know, my feelings have changed on the use of hypnosis, it’s still a reliable tool, but in regards to extracting any possible hidden subconscious recall from the mind of a potential UFO abductee, well I think we have to be very careful.
Councillor Billy Buchanan and I, have for the past several years, been trying to get the British Government to look into our files that we have amassed over the years into the UFO activity over the Scottish town of Bonnybridge. We have demanded that they take an interest and assist us with our enquiries, all this has fallen on death ears and so we decided to take the fight to the Houses of Parliament and also 10 Downing Street where planned demonstrations (with the help of others) were due to take place this year. Both Billy and I had already spoken over dinner here in London with people from a major T.V. station, they planned to film this event. And so it was with much surprise when I had a telephone call from Councillor Buchanan asking what happened to me !!! Seemingly the T.V. station had arranged for Councillor Buchanan to come down to London to film this demonstration, (news to me !) And when Billy turned up in London, he was surprised when I wasn’t there, nor any demonstrators !!! (A mix up of extraordinary proportions !) I never knew a thing about it ! Both Billy and I hope that this demonstration will come off at some point this year, but I do hope that when it does, the left hand will know what the right hand is doing !!
British publication Quest magazine has a new Editor, Philip Mantle. Phil takes over from Bob Digby who’s last issue April/May 1999 featured an article by me entitled, ‘Reincarnation’, Do We Really Come Back Again ? I wish Philip well. Philip has a few irons in the fire right now of which I’m sworn to secrecy !!! All will be revealed in due course.
Continuing with our new feature of looking back through the SPI files, we take a look at a strange incident which occurred to a man from my old home town of Alloa in Clackmannanshire Scotland. (Parts of this account have been edited).
By Malcolm Robinson.
John Davidson (pseudonym) a 55 year old man from the town of Alloa in Clackmannanshire Scotland, was, on an October evening in 1986, siting quiet and comfortable in his living room meditating. This was a usual practice for John as he was training to become a psychic medium. Meditation he claims, is beneficial to an individual who seeks (in his case) communication from deceased loved ones.
The Event.
The following account is claimed by the witness to be a true and factual account of an experience he had which he is convinced was neither a hallucination or a lucid dream.
John has been interested in Spiritualism for most of his life and regularly attends the Alloa Christian Spiritualist Church. At this point in time, John was training to become a medium and had been receiving a number of successes and had already given true and factual information to various people in relation to their deceased friends and loved ones. He has also correctly diagnosed ailments of which the people he was speaking to confirmed as being correct. Indeed on one occasion, he was laughed at by one woman who said that his diagnosis was totally wrong, but after that lady visited her doctor, she was amazed to find that her doctor confirmed and described the very same ailments to which John had described. I must state for the record, that I do not know Mr Davidson very well, the only time that I meet up with him, is when I myself attend the Alloa Spiritualist Church. I would state here though, that in my considered opinion, John is very reliable and sincere. This account then, (the only one of it’s kind experienced by him) is what he can recall.
Friday October 24th 1986.
John was sitting quiet and comfortable and alone in his living room meditating, this was a regular practice for John as a Spiritualist. After some minutes John perceived (through closed eyes), a very bright intense light. The next thing John recalls, was finding himself inside, what he could only describe as a ‘Flying Saucer’. John was then aware of someone standing at his right hand side who was explaining all about the ‘saucer’ and it’s capabilities. Visually, John described the interior of this ‘saucer’ as having a highly polished steel floor which in point of fact he found quite slippy. It was a circular room roughly 25 to 3o feet in circumference. Around one side of the object, John saw 5 ‘people’ sitting in chairs at control panels about five feet apart from one another. John also noticed a bubble about six feet in height in the centre of the floor. John is unsure if it was glass or plastic, but through it he saw lots of parts of what he could only describe as machinery.
It was pointed out to him by this ‘being’ that this was the ‘power source’ of the object. As far as John can remember, he described the ‘beings’ he saw inside this object as resembling humans, however, at one point he did recall seeing what he felt was a ‘robot’ which he only saw from the back. He then claims to have been shown four planets through some windows on this flying object, whilst looking at these planets, he saw what looked like an aircraft or another unusual flying object move across his line of vision. Minutes later, he saw the same or similar object return only this time in the opposite direction and at a further distance. After another period of time, John claims that the object he was in, travelled to the Moon, and that it was positioned such, that he could see through the observation window, a large crater. He was much surprised to see that deep down in this crater he could see buildings. After being further informed by his ‘guide’, he then claimed that he found himself back in his familiar armchair in his living room. He cannot recall how long this episode lasted for, perhaps something in the region of 10 to 15 minutes. Mr Davidson claims that he hasn’t read any UFO books and does not know a great deal about the subject other than what he has occasionally seen on the television or read in the newspapers. This then is the account made by this witness, I make no claims for it other than to tell it as an individuals experience, but in which department does his experience lie ???
For The Record.
For the record, it should be stated here that John predicted (weeks before it happened), the disaster that befell the sinking of the Herald Of Free Enterprise and also the Kings Cross fire tragedy, which incidentally, was again experienced through an Out Of Body Experience. This occurred at the Alloa Christian Spiritualist Church and was noted in front of all those present that night, the Sunday ‘Before’ the disasters.
1999 Thoughts.
Well I remember this case as if it were yesterday, 10 years on it’s still fresh in my mind. The witness is a genuine chap but that of course counts for nothing !!! Being a researcher one meets many people from all walks of life and from all back grounds each with a story to tell and some who are just making it all up. That however, to my mind, was not the case here. What we have to decide is, was this an OOBE (Out Of Body Experience) or was he somehow abducted into this object, (presuming for a moment that you actually believe in the UFO abduction phenomenon which admittedly leaves a lot to be desired !). Again, it’s another story. John is not alone in regards to tales such as this, many other people have experienced OOBEs and have been taken on board (what they claim) are UFOs. At the end of the day, stories such as this tell us nothing, but we have to report them, for not doing so would be foolish. It’s sometimes the incredible things in life which are the most true, and we should never lose sight of this fact.
This case which is also taken from the SPI Journal ENIGMAS of 1989, was, as you’ll see, quite dramatic and very puzzling, this is what I had to say about it at the time.
November-December 1989.
This has got to be the most complicated case that I have ever worked on on behalf of SPI. The amount of Data and information on this case is in itself, extensive, but at the end of the day, and after many hours spent with the witness, very little in the way of ‘confirmed evidence’ was forthcoming. This case would need a book to describe all of what happened, however here it is which sadly has an unhappy ending.
I first became aware of this case in January 1987 when it was passed on to me by a fellow researcher, a Brian Ratcliffe of Fosdyke in England of whom the witness had been communicating with for a period of time. The witness had related to Brian of the strange incidents that were occurring to her in her house in Shieldhill near Falkirk (Central Scotland). Brian felt it imperative that a researcher should go to see Mrs Smith as soon as possible, and so it was that on Saturday February 6th 1987, myself and a colleague Walter McClelland visited Mrs Smith at her home in Munro Gardens Laurieston. (For the record, this was a temporary home as her initial home was at that time being upgraded by the local council, as were others).
Anyway, SPI conducted the first interview on video and audio tape, (with the witness permission) in which we ascertained that she had been experiencing many strange events over many years at her home in Shieldhill, and, unfortunately, even at her new and temporary address in Laurieston. At this time, Mrs Smith was divorced and shared the house with one of her two daughters. The strange events that Mrs Smith described to SPI were, the materialisation of strange looking people in her home which lasted up to 30 seconds. The materialisation of objects such as bottles, barrels, and a photograph album which was suspended over her head in which the pages were turning over by themselves which depicted black and white photographs of people she did not recognise, (old style dress). Other experiences were that of ‘burning smells’ that she couldn’t account for naturally. A ‘shimmering’ effect was also observed in her living room and she heard the sounds of people arguing in her home when she was the only person in there at that time. This normally tended to happen just as she was entering her home and lasted for up to a minute. Mrs Smith could never quite pick out the actual words of the conversation, she defined it as a sort of ‘muffled shouting’.
Other strange events of which Mrs Smith noted, were those of (a) A strange shadow which would dart across a lighted room. (b) Jean saw the full image of a friend, (who was still living) in her back bedroom. Indeed, Jean has seen both me and one of her two daughters in her house when in actual fact neither of us were there on those two separate occasions. Apparently we just ‘faded away’ as she approached closer. © She witnessed the appearance in front of her, of an Aladdin Pantomime slipper which disappeared after a few seconds. (d) She witnessed the materialisation of three men in her kitchen one of whom was holding and looking at a model of an old sailing ship. (e) She experienced someone, or ‘something’ rush past her unseen which caused a slight displacement of air. (f) The appearance in front of Jean of single photographs of people she has never seen before, after a few seconds, they would just ‘pop’ like a bubble and nothing more was to be seen. (g) The witness has seen the words ‘piss off’, ‘bastard’, ‘R.I.P’, ‘slut’, plus 93 other different words which just appear suddenly and briefly before her whilst she has been watching T.V. or on other occasions, doing the ironing. (Not observed by anyone else I might add).
These were but some, and I mean some, of the many puzzling incidents which were occurring to Mrs Jean Smith at this time. Jean Smith at the time of the interview, was 54 years of age, she was English, and had for most of her life lived in the English town of Halifax in Yorkshire. She also reported to SPI of a number of other strange incidents that occurred during the early part of her life, but nothing like the enormous amount of activity which she was experiencing now. SPI observed that the witness was very nervous and none too keen for these accounts to be related to others at that time (she has since given her approval). She did not seek publicity, but what she did seek was ‘help’, she was a very frightened lady. Never have I met in any other case a woman who required so much help. It was a clear and emotive cry for someone who would listen to her and give her an explanation as to what was going on. She informed me that the Falkirk Spiritualist Church had turned her away, (this was confirmed to me when I spoke to a medium of the Church), I was told that the reason they didn’t help her was basically that the Falkirk Church did not assist in that type of happening !!! (this is bloody ridiculous).
SPI knew there and then, that this case warranted our most serious attention, and indeed many visits were paid to Mrs Smith in an effort to find out what indeed was going on. In part two, we’ll look at what SPI had to do in order to try and reach some solution whereby giving Mrs Smith peace of mind. It wasn’t easy as you’ll learn from our next issue.
Well I do remember this case very well, it certainly was an eye opener for me, I won’t give too much away just now as part two is to follow, but what I will say is this, how many other Jean Smith’s are there in this country who are experiencing events such as this ?? I shudder to think.
I am pleased to state that the society I founded back in November 1979 will be 20 years old this year, and although I am no longer running SPI Scotland, (this is in the capable hands of Billy Devlin, Brian Allan, and Iain Connan), I am pleased that SPI have branched out into England making SPI a National UFO & Paranormal society. Strange Phenomena Investigations is Scotland’s oldest running UFO & Paranormal group and I hope that we have many more years in front of us. Our purpose will always be to try and educate and inform the people of this country as to the many wonders that still inspire awe in many of us. SPI won’t be quiet information is for the public and not for filing cabinets. Here’s to the future and hoping for many more strange and amazing cases.
Well that brings us to a close of another SPI England News. I’d like to thank Dean Ladds for making it all possible, and the public for letting us know all about it. Mankind does not know it all, there are many more wonders out there, some may have natural explanations, but only a fool would suggest that natural explanations can account for all !! Strange things are still afoot and the sceptics of the world who laughed at Man setting foot down on the Moon, or John Logie Baird and his invention television, or Marconi, or the Wright Brothers, will need to recognise that because something appears crazy, doesn’t mean to say that (a) It can’t be done, or (b) We know everything, there is nothing left to learn. We shall go forward in our paranormal endeavors, and hope that events transpire which might unmask the things to which you and I are extremely involved with.
© Malcolm Robinson For Strange Phenomena Investigations England.
©Malcolm Robinson, SPI ENGLAND 1999.
Contact Malcolm at,
Mail Malcolm at SPI England.
© SPI Strange Phenomena Investigations. Founded in 1979 by Malcolm Robinson.